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On serving others (pride killer)

D E Wasake Esq.

Updated: Jan 18, 2020

You cannot objectively read the New Testament and miss the references to words like: “slave”, “servant”, bond servant or “serve”.

Infact the writers of 22 of the 27 books of the New Testament, which is 81% of the foundation of the present day age church referred to themselves as: “slaves”, “servants” or “bond servants” of Jesus.

What is it that they saw that perhaps many in our generation are missing?

When I first recommitted my life as a slave of Christ, I took up volunteer work with a Jersey Charity, I felt this would help me overcome pride and learn to become like Christ – a servant.

This message therefore helps you and I to re – visit this important topic for serving others helps you overcome pride, the root of all sin. Read the full article here.

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